Friday, August 08, 2014

Meetings in Moscow, Russia?

Dear Colleagues,

We plan to be in international scientific travel to Moscow, Russia, on August 12 - September 12, building scientific collaborations with Russian colleagues on aging and longevity studies.

We would be delighted to use this opportunity to meet our fellow colleagues living in Moscow and nearby.

Feel free to contact us, if you like to see us while we are in Moscow!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid  and  Natalia

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
-- Natalia Gavrilova, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
Center on Aging,  NORC at the University of Chicago

P.S.: Examples of our prior invited lectures, given in 21 countries of the world are available here:

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

New Study of Longevity Risk

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to alert you about our new study of longevity risk published by professional peer-reviewed journal:

New Findings on Older People’s Life Expectancies Confirm Gompertz Law:
The Impact on the Value of Securitized Life Settlements
Leonid A. Gavrilov, Natalia S. Gavrilova, Charles Austin Stone, and Anne Zissu
Journal of Structured Finance, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 2: pp. 66–73. Summer Issue.
DOI: 10.3905/jsf.2014.20.2.066


Recent findings using records from the U.S. Social Security Administration’s Death Master File discredit the late life mortality deceleration theory and confirm that life expectancies follow the Gompertz law not only until the age of 80, but for many years after.   The authors show how these findings have major implications on the valuation of senior life settlements and securities backed by life settlements.   They illustrate the sensitivity of valuation to the incorporation of the results of recent research regarding longevity risk.


Comments and suggestions are most welcome!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid  and  Natalia

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
-- Natalia Gavrilova, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
Center on Demography and Economics of Aging
 NORC at the University of Chicago