Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday (Nov 18) event at GSA Meeting in San Diego


We are pleased to share with you some more details about our upcoming Sunday event at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in San Diego:

Symposium "Biodemography of Aging and Longevity"
Sunday, November 18, 2012, 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, Room 1A (San Diego Convention Center)
N.S. Gavrilova, L.A. Gavrilov  "Biodemography of Old-Age Mortality in Humans and Rodents"


The growing number of persons living beyond age 80 underscores the need for accurate measurement of mortality at advanced ages.  Earlier studies suggested that the exponential growth of mortality with age (Gompertz law) is followed by a period of deceleration, with slower rates of mortality increase. 

This study challenges earlier conclusions with new data from the U.S. Social Security Administration’s Death Master File and survival records for laboratory mice and rats.  Analyses of human extinct birth cohorts (1890-1898) demonstrated that mortality deceleration is far less pronounced when it is measured over monthly (rather than yearly) age intervals, and in higher-quality data.  Mortality deceleration is also challenged by recent rodent data. 

Simulations show that some estimates of mortality may produce spurious mortality deceleration, while the Sacher estimate turns out to be the most accurate estimate of hazard rate.

Feel free to disseminate this invitation among your colleagues, who may be interested.

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid and Natalia

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
-- Natalia Gavrilova, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
Center on Aging, NORC at the University of Chicago

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 16 event at GSA Meeting in San Diego


We are pleased to share with you some more details about our upcoming November 16 event at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in San Diego:

GSA Interest Group Meeting "Societal Implications of Delaying Aging."
Friday, November 16, 2012, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Room 14B (San Diego Convention Center)
Convener: Leonid Gavrilov

Main theme description:
     There is an increasing recognition that the relationship between aging and the main age-related diseases is not being adequately communicated among relevant communities.  One result is that organizations focused on specific age-related diseases are generally unaware of, or at least unsympathetic to, the role that translational biogerontology can play as part of preventative medicine for their disease. 
      Tonight we will discuss the efforts of several prominent biogerontology organisations to correct this problem and thereby raise the profile of biogerontology within the medical community as a whole, as well as the possible consequences for funding of our research.

Foreseeable interventions against aging would constitute true preventative medicine for diseases and disabilities of old age. Learned debate on the immense social implications is thus timely at GSA, challenging biologists, clinicians and sociologists to explore an area where their expertise particularly intersects.  Followed by informal round table discussion

Confirmed speakers are:

Felipe Sierra  (NIH, will talk about new  Trans-NIH Geroscience Interest Group: )  -  It's a gig: the trans-NIH Geroscience Interest Group
Aubrey de Grey  (SENS Foundation) -  Medicine for the "aging is not a disease" disease

Judy Campisi  (Buck Institute)

LaDora Thompson (American Aging Association, AGE) -  Aging: Prevention, Reversal, and Slowing; 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association

Feel free to disseminate this invitation among your colleagues, who may be interested.

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
 Convener for Interest Group "Societal Implications of Delayed Aging"
 Center on Aging, NORC at the University of Chicago

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 15 event at San Diego (GSA) Meeting


We are pleased to share with you some more details about our upcoming November 15 event at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in San Diego:

Thursday, November 15, 2012, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM, Room 7A (San Diego Convention Center)
Symposium "Frailty: from the Cell to Society"
L.A. Gavrilov, N.S. Gavrilova  "Familial Factors in Longevity: Exploring Complex Environmental and Genetic Effects"


This study explores the effects of centenarian gender on survival of biological and non-biological relatives of 1,945 validated U.S. centenarians born in 1880-1895.  Male gender of centenarian has significant positive effect on survival of adult male relatives (brothers and fathers) but not female blood relatives.  However this male advantage disappeared when lifespan of siblings of male centenarians was compared to lifespan of siblings of 103-year old females having similar survival percentile.  In this case, sisters of long-lived females lived longer.

This study suggests longevity inheritance through sex-specific mechanisms.  Lifespan of centenarian siblings-in-law was lower compared to lifespan of centenarian siblings and did not depend on centenarian gender.  Wives of male centenarians who share lifestyle and living conditions had a significantly better survival compared to wives of centenarian brothers.  This demonstrates an important role of shared familial environment and lifestyle in human longevity.

Feel free to disseminate this invitation among your colleagues, who may be interested.

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid and Natalia

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
-- Natalia Gavrilova, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
Center on Aging, NORC at the University of Chicago

Friday, November 09, 2012

Aging (GSA) Meeting in San Diego, November 15-18

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

If you plan to attend annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in San Diego on November 15-18, we would like to invite you to three GSA events there with our participation:

(1) Thursday, November 15, 2012, 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, Room 7A (San Diego Convention Center)
      Symposium "Frailty: from the Cell to Society"
      L.A. Gavrilov, N.S. Gavrilova "Familial Factors in Longevity: Exploring Complex Environmental and Genetic Effects"

(2) Friday, November 16, 2012, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Room 14B (San Diego Convention Center)
     GSA Interest Group Meeting "Societal Implications of Delaying Aging." 
      Convener: Leonid Gavrilov
     Abstract:  Foreseeable interventions against aging would constitute true preventative medicine for diseases and disabilities of old age. Learned debate on the immense social implications is thus timely at GSA, challenging biologists, clinicians and sociologists to    explore an area where their expertise particularly intersects. Informal round table discussion

(3) Sunday, November 18, 2012, 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, Room 1A (San Diego Convention Center)
     Symposium "Biodemography of Aging and Longevity"
     N.S. Gavrilova, L.A. Gavrilov  "Biodemography of Old-Age Mortality in Humans and Rodents"

Feel free to disseminate this invitation among your colleagues, who may be interested.

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

-- Leonid

 -- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D., GSA Fellow
 Convener for Interest Group "Societal Implications of Delayed Aging"
 Center on Aging, NORC at the University of Chicago

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