PLEASE DISSEMINATE: Act Now to Support Aging & Longevity Studies!
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Act Now to Support Aging & Longevity Studies in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009
This week the U.S. House of Representatives has approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009 for $819 billion. The bill has critical funding for the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the National Institute on Aging (NIA). The vote sent the bill to the Senate, where debate will begin soon. The Senate is expected to take up their version of the bill during the week of February 2. Call your U.S. Senator and urge to support the legislation!
If you support National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute on Aging (NIA) in particular, please contact your U.S. Senator via email, fax or phone with the below message of support. Please thank them for recognizing the importance of these agencies, and please make your message more personal by stating how these agencies are important to you and your institutions.
Contact information for members of the U.S. Senate:
Draft message of support:
Re: National Institutes of Health
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009 includes $3.9 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH needs this money to recover from years of being funded below the rate of inflation, and to invest in vital aging & longevity research programs through the National Institute on Aging (NIA). [Add your own words here, using some of these suggestions]. I urge you to support this bill and thank you for your support.
Thank you, and, if you can, please contact your U.S. Senator today!
Also please see the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations document "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan Report", page 60:
The Committee understands that evidence-based prevention strategies within the older population can have an immediate impact on the health care system, as well as increasing quality of life for millions of Americans.
For example, an older American is treated in an emergency department for a fall every 18 seconds, with the total cost of treating those injuries exceeding $19,000,000,000 per year.
The Committee is supportive of the types of interventions currently supported by the Administration on Aging’s Evidence-Based Disease Prevention Grants Program, and urges the Secretary to expand prevention initiatives in the older population.
See also page 3 of the updated (02/02/2009) summary of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009:
Job-Creating Investments in Health include:
- $3.5 billion to conduct biomedical research in areas such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and stem cells, and to improve NIH facilities.
- $1.1 billion to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, NIH and the HHS Office of the Secretary to evaluate the relative effectiveness of different health care services and treatment options.
See also the Latest News of the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations.
Key words:
Aging Research, Longevity Research, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute on Aging (NIA), U.S. House of Representatives
Longevity Science Blog
PLEASE DISSEMINATE: Act Now to Support Aging & Longevity Studies!
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Labels: Aging Research, American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009, longevity, Longevity Research, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, NIA, NIH, U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate