See also:
-- 'Books Forum' blog
-- 'Health Studies' blogGreetings,
We will be in Denmark on May 26 - 29, and we would be delighted to meet Danish colleagues interested in aging and longevity studies.
If you are one of them, please contact us at:
This is our first trip to Denmark, but we have some prior experience of giving invited lectures in Canada, France, Australia, England, Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, and of course in the United States: would be glad to find some people in Denmark interested in aging and longevity studies for possible contacts.
We are invited to REVES meeting on
'Reducing Gaps in Health Expectancy' in Copenhagen, starting on May 26 and until May 29 (please see conference program attached below).
Looking forward to hear from you!
Kind regards,
Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D.:
Natalia Gavrilova, Ph.D.:
The 21st REVES conference in Copenhagen 2009
26 May Optional training session, 10.00‐15.00
Software for multistate calculations:
Hands on SAS session for CI estimation; Bayesian method for HE calculation
Conference 27 - 29 May: Reducing gaps in health expectancy
Except for the concept and methods session (session 5), the presenters will be given 20 minutes each (including discussion).
27 May 8.00‐9.00 Registration
9.00‐9.15 Welcome remarks
Session 1: Harmonization and International comparisons Chair: Y Saito
- C Jagger, JM Robine, H Van Oyen and the EHLEIS team.
A comparison of health expectancies in the EU25: results from the EHLEIS project. - O Ekholm and H Brønnum‐Hansen.
Cross‐national comparisons of non‐harmonized Healthy Life Years indicators may lead to more confusion than clarification. - NK Rasmussen.
Cross cultural comparability of questionnaire based data used for health expectancy calculations. - M Smith and C White.
An investigation into the impact of question change on estimates of general health status and healthy life expectancy in the United Kingdom.10.45‐11.00 Break
Session 2: GenderChair: DJH Deeg
- WJ Nusselder.
Decomposition of gender differences in Healthy Life Years. - H Van Oyen, B Cox, JM Robine and C Jagger for the EHEMU‐team.
Patterns in gender gaps in the EU. - L Frova, A Battisti and A Burgio.
Are gaps in disability free life expectancies reducing in Italy? - RS Goyal.
Whether the poverty of women in childhood and adult ages affect their health disability status in later years? 12.30‐14.00 Lunch at Simplycooking, CSS
Session 3: Methods – measures, models, simulationsChair: MD Hayward
- A Andreotti, N Minicuci, P Kowal and S Chatterji.
Multidimensional profiles of health status: An application of the grade of membership model to the World Health Survey. - F Matthews and A van den Hout.
The shape of life and healthy life expectancies. - X Liu, CC Engel, H Kang and KL Gore.
Reducing selection bias in analyzing longitudinal health data with high mortality rates.- SD Grosse, VA Campbell and G Krahn.
Disability or desirability‐adjusted life expectancies? How to interpret Health Adjusted Life Expectancies. - L Cai.
Health‐adjusted value of health care spending on the elderly in the United States, 1992‐2002. 15.45‐16.00 Break
Session 4: Projections, forecasts and scenariosChair: H Brønnum‐Hansen
- D Banham.
Targeting health expectancy gaps in South Australia. - M Lagergren, M Thorslund and M Parker.
Revised projections of the development of LTC costs in Sweden 2005‐ 2040. - R Matthews, C Jagger and MRC CFAS.
Trends in disease and how they will impact on disability in the older population. - KJ Anstey and the DYNOPTA collaborators.
Pooling longitudinal studies of ageing for epidemiological analysis and to model health futures: the DYNOPTA project.
19.0 Conference dinner at “Spiseloppen”, Christiania (Bådsmandsstræde 43, 1407, København K)
28 May 9.00‐11.30
Session 5: Basic concepts and methods Chair: JM Robine
- K Avlund.
How to measure disability, the disablement process and early signs of disability - C Mathers.
The disability process and WHO classification systems, past and future - Discussion
- Break
- F Matthews.
Estimation and statistically considerations - Y Saito.
Software overview11.30‐14.30 Lunch at Statens Museum for Kunst, National Art Gallery (Sølvgade 48‐50, 1307, København K)
14.30‐15.30 George Myers lecture by James W Vaupel
15.30‐15.45 Break
Session 6: Oldest old and healthy agingChair: B Jeune
- LA Gavrilov and NS Gavrilova. Physical characteristics at the midlife and survival to age 100: A study of American men. - H Engberg, A Oksuzyan, B Jeune, JW Vaupel and K Christensen.
Healthy aging in Danish centenarians – a 29 year follow‐up of hospitalizations among 40,000 Danes in the 1905 birth cohort. - T Sarkeala, M Vuorisalmi, A Hervonen and M Jylhä.
Functional status among Finnish nonagenarians in 1996‐2007: Vitality 90+ Study, Tampere.- VM Shkolnikov, EM Andreev, P Demakakos, A Oksuzyan, K Christensen, MA Shkolnikova and JW Vaupel.
Patterns of grip strength in Moscow as compared to Denmark and England. 17.15‐17.30 Break
Session 7: Trends IChair: F Matthews
- JW Bruggink.
Health expectancies in the Netherlands since 1981. - CH Van Gool, HSJ Picavet, DJH Deeg, MMY de Klerk, WJ Nusselder, MPJ van Boxtel A Wong and N Hoeymans.
Trends in late‐life activity limitations: The Dutch population between 1990 and 2007. - SL Reynolds and EM Crimmins.
Trends in the ability to work among the older US working population, 1997‐2007.
29 May9.00‐10.45
Session 8: Social, ethnic and other differencesChair: SL Reynolds
- DC Brown, MD Hayward, JK Montez, MM Hidajat and RA Hummer.
The significance of education for rectangularization of the survival curve in the United States. - R Wilkins.
The Canadian census mortality follow‐up study: a new resource for the study of socioeconomic disparities health expectancies. - K Knoops, JW Bruggink and M van den Brakel.
Healthy life expectancy and socio‐economical status in the Netherlands. - A Burlison.
Healthy life expectancy in Scotland. - Z Zimmer, M Wen and T Kaneda.
A multi‐level analysis of urban versus rural differences in functional status transition among older Chinese.
10.45‐11.00 Break
Session 9: Risk factors and chronic diseasesChair: WJ Nusselder
- L Bonneux, M Reuser and F Willekens.
Disability trajectories and life style. A longer life in good health is closed by a longer period in more severe disability. - B Klijs.
Contribution of chronic diseases to the burden of disability in the Netherlands. - R Ham‐Chande.
Demographic structures and aging at the MX‐US border: Social and economic effects on health expectancies and care. - EM León Diaz and M Gómez.
Perception of health of older adults, Havana Cuba. Socio‐demographic and health determinants associated by sex. - N Brouard, M Espagnacq, JF Ravaud and the Tetrafigap group.
Life expectancy of tetraplegic spinal cord injured individuals in France: a ten years follow‐up. 12.45‐14.00 Lunch at Simplycooking, CSS
Session 10: Trends IIChair: R Wilkins
- LH Chen.
Disability‐free life expectancy trends in Taiwan: Compression, expansion or dynamic equilibrium. - SLK Cheung and SFP Yip.
Are we heading to the compression of disability? The case of Hong Kong SAR, 1984‐2008. - I Pool, W Boddington, J Cheung and R Didham.
Differential trends in mortality compression: Assessing the antecedents to gaps in health expectancy in New Zealand. 15.00‐15.30 Closing ceremonies
Key words:
Denmark, Invited Lectures, REVES, Leonid Gavrilov, Natalia Gavrilova, ageing, aging, geriatrics, gerontology, longevity, centenarians
Longevity Science Blogand
Longevity Science: Call to Danish ColleaguesShorter weblink: ageing, aging, Centenarians, Denmark, geriatrics, gerontology, Invited Lectures, Leonid Gavrilov, longevity, Natalia Gavrilova, REVES